ماشاء الله. One of the best religion programs"
I’m very pleased with my child’s progress, Miss Asmaa has been very patient and helpful. As a parent, I have been fully updated and given all the necessary information through the WhatsApp group. Communication has been excellent, I am able to keep track with my daughter’s lessons and revisions. I am thankful to everyone who is behind this incredible team, keep up the great work. I will definitely recommend your service!"
المعلمه ربنا يجزيها خير عندها طول بال مع الاولاد وبتعرف تستوعبهم وتجذبهم للحصه والاداره متعاونه ومعاملتهم سهله ويسيره جزاكم الله خيرا جميعا"
بارك الله فيكم وفي مجهودكم معامله جدا رائعه وبارك الله في مس شيماء جدا جدا راااائعه"
I'm so happy and lucky my kids with QURAN TALENT, my kids very happy with teacher,really I would recommend it"